Articles for author: DreamGuidance

symbolism of number twelve

What Does the Number 12 Mean in a Dream

As I stumbled upon an old dream journal of mine, I couldn’t help but notice the recurring appearance of the number 12 in my dreams. It got me wondering: what does the number 12 really mean in a dream? Could it hold some deeper significance or symbolism? Intrigued by this peculiar coincidence, I embarked on ...

dream interpretation white owl

What Does It Mean to Dream About a White Owl

As I gazed into the night sky, a sense of awe washed over me as I encountered a magnificent creature in my dreams. A white owl, with its ethereal beauty and piercing gaze, appeared before me, leaving me with a question that lingered in the depths of my mind: what does it mean? Dreams have ...

dream interpretation stabbing meaning

What Does It Mean Dreaming of Being Stabbed

Dreaming of being stabbed may seem unsettling at first, but it's important to remember that dreams often carry symbolic meanings rather than literal ones. While the idea of being stabbed can be alarming, it doesn't necessarily imply impending danger or harm in waking life. Instead, these dreams often serve as a window into our subconscious ...

dream engagement symbolism explained

What Does Getting Engaged in a Dream Mean

Have you ever wondered what it means when you get engaged in a dream? Is there any significance behind this experience, or is it just a random occurrence in our subconscious minds? Well, the truth is, there are several theories that attempt to explain the meaning behind this dream scenario. From psychological interpretations to symbolism ...

symbolism of earthquake dreams

What Does Earthquake Mean in a Dream

As I lay in bed, my mind was shaken by the vivid image of an earthquake in my dream. The ground beneath me trembled, sending shockwaves through my subconscious. This perplexing experience left me wondering what it could possibly signify. Is there a deeper meaning behind these seismic visions that we should pay attention to? ...